Scheduling can be especially tricky if you and your clients are in different parts of the world.

Swiping a conversation will trigger an action when selected from the Swiping conversation list.When your day-to-day work depends on meetings, you can't afford to miss any important ones with clients. Make sure the tick box beside “Auto-fit messages” is checked to enable pinch-to-zoom while email content fits your screen. Select General Settings from the Settings menu. Tap the Menu key on your main Gmail screen.

See also Managing the Zoom client with BlackBerry UEM in Zoom App How do I zoom in on Gmail for Android? If there are any upcoming meetings, you can start them by clicking the Start button next to the topic and join link next to the meeting. Upon clicking the ‘Meetings’ button, a list of any scheduled meetings will be displayed along with your individual meeting ID.The Zoom for Gmail icon is found in the right-hand panel of an email thread when you are viewing it.
How to view and start or join upcoming meetings Once the meeting is ready to begin, click on Start. When it is time to start the meeting, click on View upcoming meetings when you are ready. Open the Zoom for Gmail add-on at the beginning of the meeting.We will set up a meeting and send an e-mail containing the details of that meeting to all the participants, if they have been selected. Please click on the ‘Create Meeting’ button.Add mail participants in meeting: If you need to invite additional participants to this meeting, please click on the arrow to view who will be invited.Invite participants via email: After you have created your meeting and switched this on, you will receive an email containing the meeting participants’ information.Enable meeting summary: This setting allows you to send out a summary of the meeting after it has concluded by sending the meeting topic, meeting ID, date, and attendees’ names.Decide on how long you think the meeting will last.When: Make sure that you select the meeting date and time.If necessary, you can choose a different time zone. Timezone: Zoom will set the time zone according to what you have set in your account.Topic: Whenever you send an email, the subject line will be automatically inserted here.Click the Zoom for Gmail icon in the right-side panel when you are viewing an email thread in Gmail.
See also Please tell me the lead time when adding a zoom license How to schedule a meeting from the add-on If you are ready to start the meeting from your computer, add the Zoom for Gmail add-on to your Gmail account and click START MEETING.It will be created an instant meeting will be sent out to the email thread along with the details of the meeting. You will then have the opportunity to enter the details of the meeting and click CREATE MEETING.From there, you will have the option of starting a meeting.The Zoom for Gmail icon will appear in the right-side panel when you are viewing an email thread.You will automatically send them an email containing a link to the instant meeting. In this case, you can invite everyone on your email thread to participate in an instant meeting. How to start an instant meeting from Zoom for Gmail Open your Zoom account by signing in via the browser window that appears.You will be prompted to authorize access to your account after you have clicked Sign In.

Once you have done this, Zoom will ask for permission to login to your Google account.It is recommended that you click Authorize Access the first time you use the add-on.The Zoom for Gmail icon appears in the right-side panel of the email thread when you are viewing the thread.How to sign in to the Zoom for Gmail add-on